Ridgeway PTA Meeting Minutes
1/14/25 PTA Meeting
Cait Webster
Kristina McLoughlin
Taryn Freidman
Kelli Teglas
Jessica Woodford
Melissa Welsch
Lauren Reynolds
Lauren Carasso
Jillian Kosminoff
Liz Trepp
Sarah Bergenheim
Maddalena Simons
Sheila Foote
Joanna Efstathiou-Dittmar
Lorealee Stone
Gabi Flick
Mrs. Dorchak
Welcome & President Update
- Taryn & Kelli
- Field Trip Update – Bronx zoo, stamford museum, chelsea piers (5th)
- Staff Reimbursements
- Outdoor classroom - Outdoor Classroom structure has been ordered. Measurements were made to maximize outdoor space due to snow drift and district procedure. Arrival date is TBD, but plan to be up by March. An artist will also be brought in to decorate using all the students' input as the inspiration.
- Capital Improvements:
- front hallway to receive some final touches
- Tiger logo in gym to be done in the spring to not interfere with gym classes
- Outdoor classroom finally in motion - the order for the structure was finalized in December
- Indoor recess list has been received and items will be purchased
- Programs coming into school 1/2x per week
- Kellie and Taryn have a meeting with administration next week to hopefully get something planned
- Spiritwear spring sale- Vineyard Vines
- Kellie will be finalizing with the Vineyard Vines Rep soon. The shirt will be district wide again. Details to follow.
Upcoming Events Update
- Chess at Ridgeway - Chess is underway with still time to sign up if interested.
- Glow Bingo – TWO NIGHTS - Friday 1/17 & 2/7@5:30pm – event is free, please rsvp to the link sent out via email, pizza will be for sale (5th grade committee) by the pie in advance or buy slice day of – If you are available to volunteer to help that night, please sign up on the sheet
- Need any more prizes? No more prizes are needed at this time
- Soup-er Bowl Soup Drive – who can help with this event? 1/27-2/7 Class with most cans wins extra recess
- Football Spirit Day – 2/7 – Friday before Super Bowl
- Readathon – looking for a committee - looking for a chair - 3/3-3/14
Talent Show 1/31/25
- 5th grade to do concessions
- Need parent volunteers for rehearsals and night of talent show
- Talent is one act (2 min or under) group or SOLO unless you're in 5th grade
Fundraising Update
- Upcoming Fundraisers – Readathon and Global Dinner – please see us after the meeting if you are interested in getting involved. We need a lot of help to make these events a success
Programs Update – Assemblies
- End of February- Animal assembly 2/28
- One School, One Book
- BMX assembly to happen in May due to all the funds raised at Turkey Trot
Treasurer Report- We are making great money this year which is allowing the school to make all the enhancements needed that were targeted for this year. We are still looking to make money from the readathon and remaining events.
Class Parent Update
- Valentines day - class lists - no food goodie bags are allowed
- $50 per class for holiday craft - if you haven't submitted reimbursement please do so
- in addition $300 for grade wide parties (for holiday parties etc)
Membership Update
- We have reached our goal! Thank you!!
Special Needs Update
- Sensory Friendly area at Glow Bingo - Noise cancelling headphones will be available for those who may need it. If you'd like to bring yours from home you are encouraged to. There will not be a separate area, as we'd like to have everyone feel included in the main event.
- Building special needs community - backpack mail/chats
- The school will be doing a rebrand to be more inclusive to all children in our community. This will show the purpose of our school. Respect, Inclusivity, Diversity, Growth Mindset, and Empathy will be our focus words. This will be broadcast around the school to remind our little tigers how important it is to exemplify the RIDGE Way.
- Looking into separate assemblies that will come to classrooms
- This will allow self contained students to be able to experience the assemblies
- A nonverbal communication board will be added to the playground from the district in the near future
Teacher Rep Update
- Need more teachers volunteers for GLOW BINGO callers - 1/17 or 2/7
- College & Career day 1/31
Next PTA meeting 3/18 (changed from 3/11)
Parents Night Out being scheduled for the end of February details to come, stay tuned.