PTA Membership Form
Membership 2023-24 Campaign
Make a difference!! Say Yes to the PTA and Support the Ridgeway Elementary School PTA. The needs will be different and many this school year for Ridgeway children, teachers, staff and families. PTA Membership will be more important than ever as we continue to advocate for our children and schools in these new learning environments. PTA fundraising events and opportunities will be limited this academic year. Please JOIN the Ridgeway PTA and support our strong and diverse community. For the safety of our children, staff and volunteers PTA Membership will be 100% online ONLY this school year! Please JOIN by going online at
You do not need to attend every PTA meeting as a member but we appreciate any and all assistance and attendance. Supporting our students takes the entire school community. We understand that you all lead busy lives! Please see the various Membership Options available ONLINE! Additional Donations welcomed and accepted online too!
Please join at
*($4.00 of every membership goes directly to State & National PTA for dues and are not tax deductible. The remainder of your donation helps pay for local unit dues, liability insurance and PTA events. These amounts are FULLY TAX-DEDUCTIBLE.)
Questions: Email Bonnie Gordon at